gremz -地球温暖化-
這種熱鬧的動作片還是要進戲院看才過癮。雖然裡面我也只跟鋼鐵人比較熟。(史塔克:你誰啊?) 不過,超級英雄嘛,很好懂。幾場戰鬥後誰是誰、怎麼回事也就清清楚楚了。不做功課也可以安心享用,大家就開開心心地去看吧!
本集重點是神盾局局長尼克‧福瑞因勢導利,讓復仇者聯盟成軍的過程。看到局長利用卡森(by Clark Gregg)染血的遺物激起英雄們同仇敵愾的念頭,讓看似破局的英雄聯盟起死回生,一方面覺得他操弄人心,一方面也覺得這樣做不讓卡森白死,也算是繼承卡森遺志,保護了地球。福瑞有實力又有手腕,在國家機器裡還只能當個二級主管,到底要怎樣才能爬到一級主管的地位啊?
神盾局局長尼克福瑞(by Samuel Jackson)。聯盟的統籌者,負責所有的行政事務跟溝通協調。雖然局長的頭銜好聽,手底下有一堆超能英雄很炫很酷,其實是包山包海的管家兼保姆,悲劇性的角色。
神箭手鷹眼(by Jeremy Renner) 跟黑寡婦(by Scarlett Johansson)。兩人都是一流間諜,彼此間似乎有一段過去,可惜電影沒給太多空間讓他們談戀愛。鷹眼好像精靈勒苟拉斯。有人記得魔戒嗎?
相處甚歡的美國隊長史蒂夫‧羅傑斯(by Chris Evans)與雷神索爾(by Chris Hemsworth)。物以類聚吧?兩人都很正直。索爾原本是北歐神話中的奧汀之子,不知為何也在這裡軋一角。諸神的黃昏不是早就結束了嗎?......算了,天空都破了個大洞掉下外星人了......
也是相處甚歡的東尼史塔克/鋼鐵人(by Robert Downey Jr.)和班納博士/浩克(by Mark Ruffalo)。浩克摔洛基的畫面真是經典。洛基正在碎碎念:「我是神,你們這些無聊的生物,我才不會被(你們)欺負......」(“I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by…")浩克就把洛基抓起來摔了。完全是摔麵團啊!摔完了之後還冷冷吐語:「好弱的神。」(“Puny god!”) 大家看到那裏都笑壞了。
Coulson (on the phone): Mr Stark, we need to talk.
Stark: You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message.
Coulson: This is urgent.
Stark: Then leave it urgently.
Stark(to Pepper): Security breach. That's on you.
Coulson: Mr Stark.
Pepper: Phil! Come in.
Stark: Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent.
Captain America(CA): Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?
Stark: Uh, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
CA: I know guys with none of that worth ten of you.
Stark: Doctor Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.
Banner: ...Thanks.
Stark: That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.
CA: You know you may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero.
Stark: A hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything that you are came out of a BOTTLE.
CA: Put on the suit, let's have it out.
CA: How can you not trust Fury?
Stark: He's a spy, he's THE spy. His secrets have secrets.
Natasha(to CA):Are you all really that naive? S.H.I.E.L.D monitors potential threats.
Banner: Captain America is on potential threat watch list?
Stark: You're on that list? Are you above or below angry bees?
CA: I swear to God, Stark, one more crack...
Stark: Threatening! I feel threatened!
Thor: Do not touch me again!
Stark: Then don't touch my stuff.
Thor: You have no idea what you're dealing with.
Stark: Shakespeare in The Park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?
CA: Stark, We need a plan of attack!
Stark: I have a plan: Attack!
Stark: Jarvis, have you ever heard of the tale of Jonah?
Jarvis: Sir, I wouldn't think of him as a role model!
Loki: What have I to fear?
Stark: The Avengers. It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. 'Earth's Mighiest Heroes' type thing.
Loki: Yes, I've met them.
Stark: Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one but, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi-god; a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath taking anger management issues; a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them.
Loki: That was the plan.
Stark: Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.
Loki: I have an army.
Stark: We have a Hulk.
Loki: Oh, I thought the beast had wandered off.
Stark: You're missing the point. There's no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it.
Stark: What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.
CA: We won. (←很好,隊長,你已經深諳與史塔克的相處之道了。)
Stark: All right, hey! All right good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow; let's just take a day.
這也是我很喜歡的一個場景。能量用盡的史塔克掉下來,浩克救了他,可是史塔克一直昏迷不醒。就在大家以為他死定了的時候,浩克大吼一聲,史塔克嚇醒過來,醒來第一句話就是「拜託告訴我沒有人吻我。」史塔克你可以再自戀一點。 XD
◎ 圖片所有權利屬於電影。
1. 貴森森的週邊手環請看這裡。
2. 戴手環的鏡頭在史塔克向洛基宣戰的場景,23秒左右。
這種熱鬧的動作片還是要進戲院看才過癮。雖然裡面我也只跟鋼鐵人比較熟。(史塔克:你誰啊?) 不過,超級英雄嘛,很好懂。幾場戰鬥後誰是誰、怎麼回事也就清清楚楚了。不做功課也可以安心享用,大家就開開心心地去看吧!
本集重點是神盾局局長尼克‧福瑞因勢導利,讓復仇者聯盟成軍的過程。看到局長利用卡森(by Clark Gregg)染血的遺物激起英雄們同仇敵愾的念頭,讓看似破局的英雄聯盟起死回生,一方面覺得他操弄人心,一方面也覺得這樣做不讓卡森白死,也算是繼承卡森遺志,保護了地球。福瑞有實力又有手腕,在國家機器裡還只能當個二級主管,到底要怎樣才能爬到一級主管的地位啊?
神盾局局長尼克福瑞(by Samuel Jackson)。聯盟的統籌者,負責所有的行政事務跟溝通協調。雖然局長的頭銜好聽,手底下有一堆超能英雄很炫很酷,其實是包山包海的管家兼保姆,悲劇性的角色。
神箭手鷹眼(by Jeremy Renner) 跟黑寡婦(by Scarlett Johansson)。兩人都是一流間諜,彼此間似乎有一段過去,可惜電影沒給太多空間讓他們談戀愛。鷹眼好像精靈勒苟拉斯。有人記得魔戒嗎?
相處甚歡的美國隊長史蒂夫‧羅傑斯(by Chris Evans)與雷神索爾(by Chris Hemsworth)。物以類聚吧?兩人都很正直。索爾原本是北歐神話中的奧汀之子,不知為何也在這裡軋一角。諸神的黃昏不是早就結束了嗎?......算了,天空都破了個大洞掉下外星人了......
也是相處甚歡的東尼史塔克/鋼鐵人(by Robert Downey Jr.)和班納博士/浩克(by Mark Ruffalo)。浩克摔洛基的畫面真是經典。洛基正在碎碎念:「我是神,你們這些無聊的生物,我才不會被(你們)欺負......」(“I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by…")浩克就把洛基抓起來摔了。完全是摔麵團啊!摔完了之後還冷冷吐語:「好弱的神。」(“Puny god!”) 大家看到那裏都笑壞了。
Coulson (on the phone): Mr Stark, we need to talk.
Stark: You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message.
Coulson: This is urgent.
Stark: Then leave it urgently.
Stark(to Pepper): Security breach. That's on you.
Coulson: Mr Stark.
Pepper: Phil! Come in.
Stark: Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent.
Captain America(CA): Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?
Stark: Uh, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
CA: I know guys with none of that worth ten of you.
Stark: Doctor Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.
Banner: ...Thanks.
Stark: That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.
CA: You know you may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero.
Stark: A hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything that you are came out of a BOTTLE.
CA: Put on the suit, let's have it out.
CA: How can you not trust Fury?
Stark: He's a spy, he's THE spy. His secrets have secrets.
Natasha(to CA):Are you all really that naive? S.H.I.E.L.D monitors potential threats.
Banner: Captain America is on potential threat watch list?
Stark: You're on that list? Are you above or below angry bees?
CA: I swear to God, Stark, one more crack...
Stark: Threatening! I feel threatened!
Thor: Do not touch me again!
Stark: Then don't touch my stuff.
Thor: You have no idea what you're dealing with.
Stark: Shakespeare in The Park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?
CA: Stark, We need a plan of attack!
Stark: I have a plan: Attack!
Stark: Jarvis, have you ever heard of the tale of Jonah?
Jarvis: Sir, I wouldn't think of him as a role model!
Loki: What have I to fear?
Stark: The Avengers. It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. 'Earth's Mighiest Heroes' type thing.
Loki: Yes, I've met them.
Stark: Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one but, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi-god; a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath taking anger management issues; a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them.
Loki: That was the plan.
Stark: Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.
Loki: I have an army.
Stark: We have a Hulk.
Loki: Oh, I thought the beast had wandered off.
Stark: You're missing the point. There's no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it.
Stark: What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.
CA: We won. (←很好,隊長,你已經深諳與史塔克的相處之道了。)
Stark: All right, hey! All right good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow; let's just take a day.
這也是我很喜歡的一個場景。能量用盡的史塔克掉下來,浩克救了他,可是史塔克一直昏迷不醒。就在大家以為他死定了的時候,浩克大吼一聲,史塔克嚇醒過來,醒來第一句話就是「拜託告訴我沒有人吻我。」史塔克你可以再自戀一點。 XD
◎ 圖片所有權利屬於電影。
1. 貴森森的週邊手環請看這裡。
2. 戴手環的鏡頭在史塔克向洛基宣戰的場景,23秒左右。