gremz -食物連鎖-


1. 我覺得Sherlock系列的女性角色好殺。艾琳就不用說了,是可以跟夏洛克鬥智鬥力的S女王。良家婦女瑪莉居然也變身前CIA特務。當然這是為了配合喜歡追逐危險的華生醫生(稍後再聊),但瑪莉畢竟成了可以用精準如手術的細膩手法槍擊福爾摩斯的神槍手。(對照第一季,華生夫妻正好是一對神槍手夫妻。)還有,可愛又有些笨拙的茉莉,從第一季成長到第三季,居然就變成這樣了:


M: How dare you throw away the beautiful gifts you were born with? And how dare you betray the love of your friends! Say you're sorry!
S: Sorry your engagement is over. Though I'm fairly grateful for the lack of a ring.
M: Stop it. Just stop it.


I: Look at those cheekbones, I could cut myself slapping that face… would you like me to try?

(搜尋這段台詞時,我只用了Irene, Sherlock, cheekbone三個字。結果非常精準。夏洛克的顴骨太厲害啊~)





2. 被莫瑞亞堤封為亞瑟王的雷斯垂德,在本季是……亞瑟王房間裡的花瓶?連Elementary第二季裡雷斯垂德都還出場一整集啊!更不用說雷斯垂德在Elementary裡是客場、在Sherlock裡才是主場啊!夏洛克重返倫敦時叫錯雷斯垂德的名字,難道是某種暗示?

S: Those things will kill you.
L: Oh, you bastard.
S: It’s time to come back. You’ve been letting things slide, Graham.
L: Greg.
S: Greg.


3.再仔細想想,雷斯垂德其實可以跟茉莉搭檔說相聲。Helen Louise的段子好精彩!跟Angus有得拼啊!茉莉最後低頭看盆子內容物的那個鏡頭很經典。

Molly(M): I just had a thought.
Lestrade(L)(看著茉莉手裡的鋼盆): That's a brain.
M: What if John asks Sherlock to be his best man.
L: Well he will, won't he, he's bound to.
M: Exactly.
L: So?
M: So he'll have to make a speech in front of people. There will be actual people there actually listening.
L: Well, what's the worst that can happen?
M: Helen Louise probably wondered the same.
L: Helen Louise?

4. 天才好討厭。(其實是羨慕得要死。)
S: I didn't know you spoke Serbian.
M: I didn't. But the language has a Slavic root. Frequent Turkish and German loan-words. Took me a couple of hours.
S: Hmm. You're slipping.
M: Middle age, brother mine. Comes to us all.

5. 這段對話大概說明了福爾摩斯兄弟決定性的不同。
Mycroft(M): I am the smart one.
Sherlock(S) Holmes: I used to think I was an idiot.
M: Both of us thought you were an idiot, Sherlock. We had nothing else to go on, until we met other children.
S: Oh, yes. That was a mistake.
M: Ghastly. What were they thinking of?
S: Probably something about trying to make friends.
M: Oh, yes. Friends. Of course, you go in for that sort of thing now.
S: And you don’t? Ever?
M: If you seem slow to me, Sherlock, can you imagine what real people are like? I’m living in a world of goldfish.
S: Yes, but I’ve been away for two years.
M: So?
S: Oh, I don’t know...I thought you perhaps might have found yourself a...goldfish.

6. 我真的很佩服編劇。我本來都快要忘記這件事了說,原來約翰追逐危險的毛病從第一季以來一直都沒好。還記得第一季開場時約翰為此去看心理醫生,結果被誤診為創傷後壓力症候群嗎?結果我們的偵探正確解讀約翰的心理,直接把他拎到犯罪現場,跑了一天以後約翰的心因性跛腳不藥而癒。從這個觀點切入的話,夏洛克死掉之後約翰的痛苦除了痛失摯友之外還要加上舊疾復發。這也說明了夏洛克為什麼會把鋪滿炸彈的火車當成和好的禮物。(「看!你最喜歡的危險和刺激。一次送給你!原諒我吧!」大概是這種感覺。)

J: Yeah, it's a sprain. I'm a doctor, I know how to sprain people. Now where is Isaac Whitney?
Bill: You're a mental, you are.
J: No, just used to a better class of criminal.

J: What sort of case?
S: Too big and dangerous for any sane individual to get involved in.
J: You trying to put me off?
S: God no. Trying to recruit you.


J: I've got a better question: is everyone I've ever met a psychopath?
S: Yes. Good that we've settled that. Now--
J: SHUT UP!! And stay shut up, because this is not funny. Not this time.
S: I didn't say it was funny.
J: You. What have I ever done? Hmm? My whole life, to deserve you?
S: Everything.
J(把注意力從瑪莉身上移開,語帶威脅地逼近夏洛克): Sherlock, I told you. Shut up.
S: No, I mean it. Seriously. Everything, everything you've ever done is what you did.
J: Sherlock, one more word and you will not need morphine.
S: You were a doctor who went to war. You're a man who couldn't stay in the suburbs for more than a month without storming a crack den, beating up a junkie. Your best friend is a sociopath who solves crimes as an alternative to getting high. That's me, by thy way. (揮手) Hello. Even the landlady used to run a drug cartel.
Mrs. Hudson: It was my husband's cartel. I was just typing!
S: And exotic dancing.
Mrs. Hudson: Sherlock Holmes, if you've been YouTubing--
S: John, you're addicted to a certain lifestyle! You're abnormally dangerous situations and people, so is it truly such a surprise that the woman you've fallen in love with conforms to that pattern?
J: But she wasn't supposed to be like that. Why is she like that?
S: Because you chose her.
J(踹椅子): Why is everything...always...MY FAULT!?!?
Mrs. Hudson(嚇跑了): Oh, the neighbours.
S: John, listen. Be calm and answer me. What is she?
J: My lying wife.
S: No. What is she?
J: The woman who is carrying my child who has lied to me since the day I met her.
S: No. Not in this flat. Not in this room. Right here, right now,
J: Okay. Your way. Always your way. (把椅子搬到瑪莉身邊)Sit.
M: Why?
J: Because that's where they sit! The people who come in here with their stories. The clients. That's what you are now, Mary. You're a client. This is where you sit and talk and this is where we sit and listen and we decide if we want you or not!

J: The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future...are my privilege. That's all I have to say; that's all I need to know No, I did't read it(the flashdisk).
M: You don't even know my name.
J: Is "Mary Watson" good enough for you?
M: Yes! Oh my God, yes.
J: Then it's good enough for me, too.

7. 最後是夏洛克的八卦。夏洛克接近潔奈是為了麥格努森的案件。不過看到潔奈近乎半裸地在貝克街的公寓裡走來走去,隨意地為福爾摩斯兄弟取小名(〔Sherl〕跟〔Mike〕),讓約翰下巴差點掉下來,而且大腦當機,真的覺得很好笑。


Janine: Sherlock Holmes, you are a back-stabbing, heartless, manipulative bastard.
S: And you, as it turns out, are a grasping opportunistic, publicity-hungry, tabloid whore.
Janine: So we're good then?
S: Yes, of course. Must be. Where's the cottage?
Janine: Sussex Downs.
S: Hmm, nice.
Janine: It's gorgeous. There's beehives, but I'm getting rid of those.

Janine: Just one thing. You shouldn't have lied to me. I know what kind of man you are, but we could have been friends.

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